Featuring course

Personal Mastery for Internationally Trained Professionals

In this course, you will learn the core strategies accomplished internationally-trained-professionals use to elevate their mindset and achieve success in every area of their lives.
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This is why you should take this course

Do you often struggle with becoming visible in the Canadian job market? Do you face difficulties in organising your ideas into consistent content during a job interview? You are definitely not alone facing these issues. After attending this course you will:
  • Be able to accurately identify your target organizations and build a professional profile that will highlight your strengths, knowledge, and vision.
  • Become a stronger leaner, and more strategic job searcher, focusing on the added value that you can offer.
  • Know how to overcome internationally-trained-professionals' adversity by following specific techniques and using relevant inspiration in the most effective and appropriate way.
  • Learn a number of productivity hacks and be able to perform at your highest capacity on a consistent regular basis.
  • Holistically take care of yourself and your loved ones while expanding your career.

Do not miss!

Get this offer today!

10% OFF if registering until March 31 2023 - Use promo code WINTER2022
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